18 March 2022

IQAA employees took part in Hong-Kong Symposium on Internationalisation and Quality Management in Higher Education


On March 12, 2022, employees of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) took part in an online Symposium on Internationalisation and Quality Managemen in Higher Education 2022, co-organised by Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Partnership (APHERP), Lingnan University Institute of Policy Studies, and National Chengchi University College of Education, and supported by the Alliance of Asian Liberal Arts Universities (AALAU).
Held at Lingnan University, the Symposium on Internationalisation and Quality Management in Higher Education 2022, aimed to promote academic exchanges on topics related to internationalisation and quality assurance in higher education.
At the online conference, participants discussed issues of transnational education, the creation of a quality culture in higher education institutions in the Asia-Pacific region, the role of students in external quality assurance of higher education, internationalization and quality management in higher education, the relationship between learning analytics, internationalization and quality management in higher education.
The conference program and additional information are available at the following link https://ln.edu.hk/sgs/symposium-on-internationalisation-and-quality-management-in-higher-education-2022.