On September 29-30, 2022 the Independent Quality Assurance Agency (IQAA) held the V Annual Eurasian Forum on Quality Assurance in Higher Education "Sustainable Development and the Future of Higher Education" in Astana at the M.S. Narikbayev KAZGUU University in a hybrid (online and offline) format.
During 5 years the Eurasian Forum on Quality Assurance in Education has been the platform for discussion of topical issues in the sphere of higher education. This year more than 200 people took part in the Forum (112 offline and 97 online), who represented more than 50 national and foreign universities and organizations (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Lithuania).

Zh. A. Kulekeev

K.A. Yergaliev
Welcoming speech was made by Zh. A. Kulekeev, Chairman of IQAA Supervisory Board, professor, member of the Supreme Reform Council under the President of RK, member of the Center for Analysis and Monitoring of Social and Economic Reforms of the President Administration of RK, member of STCU under the Government of RK, Advisor of Chairman of Board of JSC NC "KazMunayGas", former Minister of Education and Science of RK. Zhaksybek Abdrakhmetovich told a brief history of the choice of the theme of the Forum in 2022: "On September 25, 2015, the UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It contains a series of goals aimed at ensuring the well-being of all inhabitants of the globe. Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals the goal "Education for Sustainable Development" is more relevant than ever, because the global challenges of human development require a transformation of our lifestyles, mindsets, values and behaviors.
K.A. Yergaliev, Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, addressed the guests of the Forum with a welcoming speech. Kuanysh Asylkhanovich noted the significance and relevance of the topics discussed in the light of global trends and their strategic importance for Kazakhstan in particular: "Values are the cornerstone around which academic and management activities in higher education institutions are built. If there are no common values, it is difficult both to communicate and to introduce new programs and to build business processes.

Kalanova Sholpan Murtazovna

The President of IQAA Kalanova Sholpan Murtazovna, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD and Candidate of Chemical Sciences congratulated with the opening of the V Annual Eurasian Forum on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and wished all the participants fruitful work, constructive dialogue and effective interaction.
The first session was devoted to values and new approaches to quality assurance in higher education.

Dr. Susanna Karakhanyan

Dr. Zhanpolat Kudaibergenov
The first guest of honor at the Forum was Dr. Susanna Karakhanyan, PhD, Director of Higher Education Policy and Regulation at the Department of Education and Knowledge, Abu Dhabi (UAE), board member of INQAAHE (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education), former president of INQAAHE. In her report on "Re-engineering Quality Assurance to Support the Core Values of Higher Education," Susanna Karakhanyan noted that the pandemic was not a source, but a catalyst, which exacerbated already existing problems in higher education. Using the example of international statistics, the speaker proved that there is a direct correlation between the observance of the values of higher education and the success of society's development. Susanna Karakhanyan concluded her presentation with a vision for the future development of higher education systems and quality assurance agencies.
Dr. Zhanpolat Kudaibergenov PhD, Rector of the Yoju Technical Institute (Uzbekistan), shared the experience of Uzbekistan in reforming its higher education system, particularly the experience and results of international accreditation in Uzbekistan as exemplified by the Yoju Technical Institute (Tashkent).
Theme of implementation of values in academic policy, quality assurance and educational formats continued in his report by S.G. Pen, Provost (Rector) of KAZGUU named after M. Narikbaev. Sergey Gennadyevich gave a comprehensive overview of the academic quality management system at KAZGUU University and shared the valuable cases of building academic policy and management processes.

S.G. Pen

E.M. Tazhbaev
E.M. Tazhbaev Vice-rector of E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Professor, Doctor of Chemistry, member of IQAA Accreditation Council, presented the report on "University science and its innovation potential". As the world experience proves, sustainable economic growth requires the reliance on universities in the technological, socio-economic and cultural development of regions. Of particular interest were the practical examples presented by Yerkeblan Muratovich - projects to expand the scientific infrastructure (EcoTechnopark, Arboretum with a greenhouse, Solar Park).
President of the International University of Astana, Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences S.A. Irsaliev chose to report on a burning topic: "The new teacher: a breakthrough from the circle of regression? Serik Aztaevich paid special attention to the improvement of the education system through the training of the teacher-teacher, and considered the involvement of parents and the role of the social environment as important factors in the academic success of children.
The second session highlighted the current issues of digitalization in higher education.
Dr. D.M. Abdrasheva Analyst of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (Canada), made a presentation on "The Digital Future? Virtual Academic Mobility and Prospects for Change in Higher Education in Central Asia. The pandemic has intensified the processes of digitalization in the academic culture, which manifested itself in the intensive development of digital platforms in education and in the demand for virtual academic mobility.
E.N. Shulanov Rector of M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University, spoke about the role of universities in achieving the goals of sustainable development in the context of global digitalization. Yerlan Nurlybekovich presented the latest data on the digitalization of higher education in the context of key areas: the institutional level, the educational process, scientific activities - and also talked about the challenges, threats and myths that accompany the process of digital transformation of universities and academic reality.

Dr. D.M. Abdrasheva

R.M. Iskakov
"Today, the digital environment for a student is not a convenience and comfort, it is a vital need, it is existence," was the key leitmotif of the speech by R.M. Iskakov Professor of Satbayev University, Associate Professor, PhD in Chemistry. Rinat Maratovich's report presented to the guests of the Forum a fascinating living case of creation of a digital workplace for students to solve individual learning needs, implemented at Satbayev University.
Rector of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics, J.A. Temirbekova. made a report on "Digitalization as a tool for implementing a new academic culture. Zhanar Temirbekova talked about the benefits and long-term effects of digitalization of higher education and shared her practical suggestions for accelerating the process of assimilation of digital culture in higher educational institutions.
T.N. YudinaChief Researcher of the Institute of Demographic Research of the Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Science, presented the experience of the Modern Digital Educational Environment in Russia platform and spoke about the additional opportunities offered by the digitalization of higher education.
The third session of the Forum focused on expanding access and lifelong learning.

Dr. Emma Sabzalieva

Eva Vaisiukevičienė
Dr. Emma Sabzalieva Head of the Division of Higher Education Research and Policy Analysis at the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (Canada), presented a paper on "Higher Education Perspectives. This is the title of the IESALC project, which is the IESALC Institute's contribution to UNESCO's initiative on the future of education and to the report "Rethinking our Future" published by the International Commission in November 2021. Speaking about the goals, methodology and results of the project, Emma Sabzalieva stressed that the IESALC Institute sees the future of higher education in a number of promising ways. The work on the project was conducted in 3 stages and 1344 people from 112 countries took part in the survey: there were consultations with experts, young people and the general public. It was very interesting for all participants of the Forum to hear the extracts from the results of the respondents of such a large-scale research.
Eva Vaisiukevičienė Head of Legal and General Affairs Department of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC, Lithuania), international member of IQAA Accreditation Council presented the report "Access to Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges" and shared the valuable Lithuanian experience in addressing the issues of access to higher education.
President of Narxoz University, Chairman of the Board, PhD M.M. Daulenov delivered a report on "Lifelong learning: universities in a changing labor market and new technologies". Miras Mukhtarovich expounded the content of the principles of lifelong learning as the foundation of future education with the help of international examples. From the practical point of view, the case of introduction of Lifelong Learning principles at Narhoz University was important and useful for the guests.

M.M. Daulenov

The third session ended with the speech of Dr. Allison Fahls – the Head of the Accreditation and Advisory Service of the British Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education QAA (United Kingdom). Dr. Allison Fals gave a presentation entitled "Sustainability and the Future of Higher Education" in which she demonstrated to the guests of the Forum the international portfolio of the British Higher Education Assurance Agency QAA (UK).
The Forum was closed by the speech of Sholpan M. Kalanova, IQAA President, Professor, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate in Chemical Sciences. She thanked the speakers for interesting reports and all guests of the Forum for active participation and lively discussions. The initiative, based on the results of the reports and discussions of the forum, to present the vision and proposals for the conference in Barcelona, May 18-20, 2022, to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan was proposed and supported.
A particularly important role in the productivity of the forum was played by moderators - leading leaders and representatives of education in Kazakhstan: S.F. Udartsev, Chairman of the IQAA Accreditation Council, editor-in-chief of the journal "Law and State"; Professor of KAZGUU named after M.S. Narikbayev, Dr. of Law; T.K. Doskenov, Chairman of the Kazakhstan Entrepreneurs Association, Dr. of Economics, T.K. Doskenov, Chairman of Kazakhstan Business Association, Doctor of Economics, Deputy Chairman of IQAA Accreditation Council; A.M. Makhmetova, Rector of the University of International Business, Professor, Doctor of Economics; A.V. Kostyuk, Chairman of the Board of "National Scientific Center of Healthcare Development named after Salidat Karurbekova", Almaty, Kazakhstan. Kostyuk, Chairman of the Board of Salidat Kairbekova National Scientific Centre for Healthcare Development, Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of IQAA Accreditation Board; Kulsarieva A.T., Vice-Rector for Strategy, Digitalization and Internationalization of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of the RK.
A rich program of the Forum, fascinating speeches and discussions allowed all participants to gain indispensable knowledge from leaders in the field of education and quality assurance. At the end of the Forum, all participants received certificates and took part in a memorable photo shoot.