IQAA regularly conducts seminars for student-experts from different cities of Kazakhstan with the aim to inform them about changes in standards for evaluation and training to effective participation in procedures of accreditation of higher education institutions and colleges. The programme of this training workshop was composed of several parts: the introductory presentation by the President on activities of the agency, review of informational video prepared by the Department of analysis and quality, and presentations of IQAA coordinators on procedures of conducting accreditation and application of standards.

In the first part of the seminar, the President of the agency, Professor Sh.Kalanova, held a discussion with students on the development of accreditation procedure in Kazakhstan. In her presentation, she highlighted the role of the agency in introduction of accreditation procedures in Kazakhstan and promotion of the culture of quality in educational organizations. Students also learned the main information about the agency by the means of IQAA official website.
After the introductory part of the seminar, students watched information videos on procedures of accreditation, which in interesting and accessible form demonstrated the process of conducting accreditation in educational organizations by the agency.

Presentations of IQAA coordinators (head of the Department of the Expert Evaluation and Information Technologies, Adilgazinov G.Z. and the head of the Department of Audit and Post-accreditation Monitoring of HEIs, Akhmadiyeva Zh.K.) directly related to the role of students-experts in procedures of quality assurance in educational organizations. All students were acquainted with standards for institutional and specialized (programme) accreditation,and received practical advices on active and productive participation in the process of accreditation.

This seminar arose a great interest of students and many of them asked some relevant questions to the staff of the agency at the end of the meeting.
In addition, all students were awarded with certificates for participation in the seminar and training as experts in accreditation.