A present, Maria Kelo is a Director of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and a Vice-President of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). Together with the Association’s President she represents ENQA in the E4 group and in the Bologna Follow-Up Group.
This seminar was attended by members of the Accreditation Council and Appeals Committee of the agency, Heads of Accreditation Committees, Rectors, Vice-rectors, representatives of higher education institutions from different cities of Kazakhstan, students, and IQAA staff. Also, this seminar was attended online by representatives of the M.O.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University via the means of the video-conference.
In the beginning of her presentation, Maria Kelo described in detailes activities of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and presented a strategic plan of the association for the upcoming years. During the comparative analysis of changes introduced to the ESG 2015, Maria Kelo paid a special attention to the student-centered learning.
In her presentatation, Maria Kelo also considered the following issues:
- QA and the EHEA – outcome of the Yerevan Ministerial Conference;
- ESG 2015 – main changes for IQA and EQA;
- The European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes;
- The European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes.

At the end of the seminar, participants had an opportunity to address relevant questions to Maria Kelo. Many of participants highlighted the effective work of IQAA in dissemination of the best European practices and enhancement of the quality of education in Kazakhstani higher education institutions. Also, all participants filled in the surveys on assessment of the conducted seminar.

The full photo report on this event is available on the IQAA official Facebook page.