On 25 May 2017 representatives of IQAA took part in the National Meeting on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training in the Framework of the project of the Central Asia Education Platform (CAEP). This seminar was attended by the following international experts: Christian Wagner, team leader of the CAEP project; Ms Baiba Ramina, Director of the Academic Information Centre of Latvia; Claudio Dondi, CAEP Expert; Ewa Chmielecka, Educational Research Institute (IBE), Poland.
From the side of Kazakhstan, this event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MoES) and its subordinate organizations, National Chamber of entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken", quality assurance agencies and higher education institutions.
The programme of the seminar included two sessions, which were targeted at reviewing the issues related to (1) Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) (latest trends and challenges) and (2) quality assurance in professional education and potential for merging the system of quality assurance and accreditation in fields of higher and vocational education.
This seminar provided all participants with an opportunity to share their experiences and to determine the aims for future events.