In connection with the situation with the pandemic, the meeting of the Accreditation Council was held online.
During the meeting of the Accreditation Council, materials on institutional and specialized (program) accreditation of the following educational institutions were considered and discussed:
1. Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (post-accreditation monitoring (PAM) for primary institutional accreditation);
2. Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations (institutional accreditation);
3. Egyptian University of Islamic Culture "Nur Mubarak" (institutional and specialized accreditation);
4. Academy "Bolashaq" (institutional and specialized accreditation);
5. International University of Information Technologies (specialized accreditation);
6. GKP on REM "Turkestan Higher Medical College" (institutional and specialized accreditation);
7. LLP "Central Asian Medical College", Shymkent (institutional and specialized accreditation);
8. GKKP "Industrial and Technical College", Shymkent (institutional accreditation).