During the reporting period, the Agency annually conducts international seminars, conferences and forums with the participation of foreign and national experts for the training of review experts.
The annual Eurasian Forum on Quality Assurance in Higher Education is a platform for discussing the most relevant issues in the field of higher education and quality assurance with the participation of national and international leading academics, politicians, government officials, activists, labor market representatives and students, as well as all interested parties.
In addition, IQAA regularly conducts seminars, conferences and workshops with the involvement of international speakers. The list of events is available in the Press Center tab.
The Forum was attended by more than 200 people from among the representatives of the academic community: rector, vice-rector of universities in Kazakhstan, public figures, national and international experts, heads and teachers of universities in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Lithuania and Azerbaijan. Read more
This year, the 6th annual Eurasian Forum coincided with the 15th anniversary of the Agency. Over 220 people (112 offline and 111 online) from more than 60 universities and organizations in education sphere from Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, the USA, Spain and Estonia took part in the Forum.
The topic of the Forum “New ways to transform higher education” consisted of two sessions: University Digital Culture and Micro-Credentials and Micro-Qualifications. Read more
The theme of the Forum is directly related to the goal of the UN agenda of September 25, 2015 in the field of sustainable development until 2030 - "Education for sustainable development". The forum addressed topical issues such as the availability of education for everyone, lifelong learning, digitalization in the higher education system, etc. The speakers of the forum were the rectors, vice-rectors and representatives of leading Kazakhstani universities, as well as foreign representatives of UNESCO, the Department of Education and Knowledge , accreditation agencies and universities from Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Lithuania, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan. Read more
The Forum touched upon many relevant issues in the field of the internal quality assurance system of HEIs, in particular: features of the organization of the internal quality assurance system, new models and concepts of IQA, successful practices, difficulties and ways to ensuring the internal quality of education in HEIs. Rectors, vice-rectors and representatives of leading Kazakhstani universities, as well as foreign accreditation agencies and HEIs from Austria, Spain, Lithuania, Germany, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, Estonia and Belgium took part in the forum. Read more
The topic of the forum was dedicated to distance education in the context of the pandemic. The form was attended by almost three hundred participants – 286 people. Among the international speakers there were 11 people from accreditation agencies and universities from Austria, Azerbaijan, Great Britain (QAA), Kyrgyzstan (AAERO), Lithuania (SKVC), Russia (AKKORK), Ukraine and Estonia (EKKA). The Eurasian Forum allows all participants to get up-to-date information in the international context first-hand on behalf of the world's leading experts in the field of education and quality assurance. Read more
The keynote address was delivered by the President of EQAR, Prof. Karl Dietrich "Quality, quality assurance and cooperation in the era of digitalization". QAA CEO Douglas Blackstock presented a presentation on "Quality Assurance and Improvement in the Digital Age: the United Kingdom Approach». Kazakhstan's rectors, vice-rectors, and professors told how digitalization and quality assurance are implemented in Kazakhstan's educational institutions. Since the topic of the Forum was relevant, the Forum received a national format, because on the basis of the Forum, TV released a movie about digitalization in education with the participation of the Chairman of the IQAA Supervisory Board, Professor Zhaksybek Kulekeyev, President of EQAR, prof. Karl Dietrich, QAA CEO Douglas Blackstock and other forum participants. Read more
Key speakers were Colin Tuck (EQAR), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. Verbitsky (Russia), Petra Pistor, Quality manager at the Centre for Higher Education Development and Quality Enhancement (CHEDQE), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Michele Wera, Senior policy advisor, Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO, Netherlands), Dr. Maiki Udam and Prof. Peeter Jarvelaid (Estonia), Esther Huertas Hidalgo, Senior Advisor, Quality Assurance Department, Catalan Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, PhD, (Spain) and national review experts. Read more

During the conference, about 40 speakers, who are authoritative experts in the field of education, presented their works and findings. The conference was an important international event that unites all five continents of the Earth, from 60 countries of the world. International experts in higher education, leading UNESCO experts, representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of RK, representatives of foreign and local accreditation agencies and universities took part in the conference. Read more
Professors from Russia and Latvia were invited as international experts to present at the conference. In total, more than 110 people took part in the conference. IQAA employees organized 4 focus groups, which examined the quantitative and qualitative indicators used by review experts when writing external audit reports, the stages of preparing the external review report, the issues of interview preparation and ethical aspects in the work of the review expert. Read more
The survey of the Assembly participants conducted by the ENQA secretariat showed a high rating of the ENQA members on the organization and management of the event, 70% - 5 points, 30% - 4 points on a five-point scale. Read more
At this conference, representatives of the French agency HCERES spoke: member of the Board of ENQA Francois Pernot and Solange Pisarz; professors of the University of Alcala (Spain): Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, Ignacio Bravo Munoz; Professor of the University of Clermont Auvergne (France) Marie-Elisabeth Baudoin; Professor, President of the European Network for Accreditation of Educational Engineering Programs (ENAEE) (France) Bernard Remo, Director, National Center for Quality Assurance of Vocational Education (ANQA) (Armenia) Ruben Topchyan. Read more
For this event, the book "A Manual for Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education" by Lucien Bollaert was translated into Russian by IQAA. EURASHE gave its permission to publish 200 copies of the books, so all participants of the conference were able to receive a translated edition of the author's book. Read more
Materials on student-centered learning published by ESU were translated and published for the conference participants (over 100 people). Read more
The seminar covered the following topics: ESG 2015-major changes; The role of EQAR in the European Higher Education Area; External quality assurance across borders; Quality assurance of joint educational programs. Read more
The purpose of this conference was to discuss quality management issues, exchange knowledge and best practices on creating effective quality assurance systems, and consider the prospects for further cooperation. Read more
A group of participants of the British Council Student Mobility Program, organized by the Nazarbayev University Higher School of Education in cooperation with the University of Oxford, visited IQAA to familiarize themselves with the agency's activities and accreditation procedures for educational institutions in Kazakhstan. Read more