On October 13, 2023, the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA), with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized the VI Eurasian Forum on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Agency, with the topic of “NEW WAYS TO TRANSFORM HIGHER EDUCATION" on the basis of KAZGUU University named after M.S. Narikbayev (Astana) in a hybrid (online and offline) format.
This year, the 6th annual Eurasian Forum coincided with the 15th anniversary of the Agency. Over 220 people (112 offline and 111 online) from more than 60 universities and organizations in education sphere from Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, the USA, Spain and Estonia took part in the Forum.
The topic of the Forum “New ways to transform higher education” consisted of two sessions:
- University Digital Culture
- Micro-Credentials and Micro-Qualifications

In the first session “Digital Culture of the University” the speakers were Sergey Pen - Provost (Rector) of Maqsut Narikbayev University (KazGUU) on the topic “Digital culture of the university and its impact on academic policy” and Miras Daulenov - President of Narxoz University, on the topic “How higher education can change in the era of artificial intelligence” moderated by the rector of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz - Yerkara Aimagambetov. The presentations of the speakers on artificial intelligence and its role in the future life of universities, on how modern artificial intelligence allows us to take measures to successfully achieve the goals of universities, were received with enthusiasm by the audience. IQAA President Kalanova Sholpan presented Sergey Pen and Miras Daulenov award on behalf of the board of INQAAHE, for brilliant performances at the international conference INQAAHE 2023 on May 30, 2023 at the Astana International Financial Center, which they were unable to receive on time.

Sergey Pen

Miras Daulenov

INQAAHE Award Ceremony
Next, moderated by the President of IQAA, Sholpan Kalanova, the following speakers presented online:
- Dr. Jamil Salmi – World-renowned international expert on higher education, board member of the Boston College Center for Higher Education (USA), member
Advisory Council of the international group Council for Higher Education Accreditation CHEA (USA), who in his report on the topic of “New models of learning and new qualifications in the 21st century” touched upon current issues of innovative educational technologies, student-centered teaching and learning, educational innovative teaching and pedagogical practices. The presentation presented a new vision of training and qualifications. A student can study first at one university, then at a second, work in production and receive a diploma at a third university, this is how the education of modern students is changing. - Bakhyt Zhautikov - Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Satbayev University, during the report “Transformation of higher education at the national technical university at the present stage,” presented the current model of a digital university, ways of its transformation, the structure and operating principle of the SU research hub.
- Lazzat Yerkinbayeva - Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University dedicated her report “Digital educational environment: Experience of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University” to the issues of digital transformation, creating an effective information and educational system, using educational platforms, development of projects in the field of digital educational technologies, use of systems with artificial intelligence.

Dr. Jamil Salmi

Bakhyt Zhautikov

Lazzat Yerkinbayeva
The second session of the Forum “Micro-credentials and micro-qualifications” was just as interesting and intense. Local and foreign speakers shared the experience of their universities and accreditation agencies. In particular, in the first half of the session, where Talgat Doskenov, Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Human Capital and Social Policy of Business of the NCE Atameken, presented the following speakers:
- Baurzhan Nurakhmetov – The first vice-rector of Almaty Technological University, with a report on the topic “Microcredits and microqualifications as a trend in modern education, based on the experience of Almaty Technological University” spoke about world experience and the current situation in Kazakhstan in the implementation of microqualifications, presented the results of research on trends in the development of microqualifications and experience of Almaty Technological University in implementing microqualification programs.
- Esther Huertes – Head of the Quality Assurance Department of the Catalan Accreditation Agency (Spain) in the report “Micro-credentials for vocational training for the purpose of employment. Can higher education play a role?” reviewed the trend of “lifelong learning”, issues of micro-credentials, features of the use of short training programs, the possibility of their assessment and accreditation.

Baurzhan Nurakhmetov

Esther Huertes
In the second half of the session, chaired by Zhanar Temirbekova, rector of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmet Yassawi, the following speakers presented their ideas:
- Liia Lauri – Head of Department at the Estonian Accreditation Agency, discussed the key challenges of digital learning, the use of digital tools in teaching and learning, recommendations for developing e-courses and criteria for their quality during a presentation on “Quality Labeling and Evaluation of E-Learning Courses”.
- Rinat Iskakov – Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation of the Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after S. Utebaev presented a report on the topic “Microloans from companies and microqualifications through dual approaches of the Atyrau Oil and Gas University”, which showed the advantages of dual education, formats of modules of dual programs and their alternative, the university’s successful experience in using micro-credentials and microqualifications within the framework of the Summer Industrial School 2023.

Liia Lauri

Rinat Iskakov
The speeches of all the speakers aroused great interest and a lively response from the audience; questions and comments to each report confirmed the undeniable relevance of the thematic focus of the Forum.
At the end of the Forum, representatives of universities congratulated the President of IQAA - Sholpan Kalanova and the Agency team on the 15th anniversary, presented congratulatory addresses, flowers and memorable souvenirs.
And finally, on behalf of the Agency we would like to thank all the Forum participants for their commitment to the Agency, warm feedback and wishes! We wish everyone success in the development of the higher education system and prosperity to our country!
Photos of the Forum are available on the official Facebook page.